About: Policies
Policies (sickness, etc)
Please take a moment to read the policies outlined below (as listed in your intake form).
- For the health and safety of staff and clients, we ask that that you cancel your session if your child is ill. This includes any condition that may be infectious and/or would ordinarily exempt your child from attending school or daycare, including any symptoms that have been exhibited in the last 24 hours.
- If you need to cancel your appointment, we ask that you let us know as soon as possible.
Regarding payment for missed sessions, cancellation policies are as follows:
- If you can provide us with at least 24 hours notice (24+ hours), you will not be charged.
- If you provide less than 24 hours notice, please note that you will be charged for the session’s billed rate.
- No-shows (i.e. not showing up to a scheduled session and not notifying the clinic) will be billed at the full, regular rate, including cancellations due to illness.
- All cancelled appointments will be rescheduled, if possible. Missed appointments jeopardize the therapist’s travel time, planning time, and report writing. Please be considerate of your therapist’s time by cancelling appointments within a reasonable amount of time (at least 48 hours is preferred).
CANCELLATIONS – removal from service list
- In order to better serve you and make quicker progress toward goals, regular attendance to therapy is imperative. The most common cause of lack of progress is inconsistent attendance. Clients are responsible for attending speech/language therapy sessions as scheduled. Clients must maintain at least an 80% attendance rate, or risk losing their appointment slot.
- Please note that three consecutive “no-shows” or excess “no-shows” will result in removal from the service list.
- If you or your child arrives late to an appointment, the session will end at the regular session time and you will be responsible for the full session fee.